Safe Haven Holocaust Refugee
As history tells us, in 1944, President Franklin Roosevelt instructed his Secretary of the Interior to make a journey to Italy and bring back about 1000 war refugees to America. They hand selected men, women, and children that had the skillset to run a camp in America. They gave first priority to those who had been imprisoned and escaped per Roosevelts orders. He made the refugees sign a document stating they would return home after the war had ended. The two week long trip to the United States on the transport ship was very rough and the conditions weren’t great. It was extremely hot and unpleasant as many got seasick and the bunks were actually made for American soldiers and stacked 6 bunks high. Half the ship was full of refugees and the other half was wounded soldiers returning to the United States. But all that said, it was still better than being in prison in Auschwitz. As they arrived in the New York Harbor, they erupted in cheers when they laid eyes on the Statue of Liberty. Once they arrived in Oswego, NY, they were treated really kind by the people there. First Lady Eleanor Roosevelt made a visit to the camp where she met many of the refugees. Eventually, the refugees ended up being allowed to stay in America. The Safe Haven Holocaust Refugee Shelter Museum is a tribute to those who suffered yet triumphed over great obstacles. They dedicated the shelter as a memorial on October 6, 2002. Learn more about the different cruises that visit New York.
- Labor Day to Memorial Day | Thursday through Sunday | 11:00am - 4:00 pm -
- Memorial Day to Labor Day | Open 7 Days a Week | 11:00am - 4:00pm -
- Please check website for specific information and ticket pricing -
Learn more about Safe Haven Holocaust Refugee Shelter Museum by visiting their website.
Address: 2 East 7th Street, Oswego, NY 13126
Phone: 315.342.3003
Address: 2 East 7th Street, Oswego, NY 13126
Phone: 315.342.3003
Updated 10/320/20- LLS